Professional Portfolio

Brief: To design a professional portfolio in a printed and digital form.

Project Overview:

For this project, I was required to produce a portfolio which showcases my favourite university projects. Two versions of the portfolio had to be created: one for print, and an interactive one to be viewed digitally.

Using Indesign, I have been able to make my portfolio interactive. For example, the contents page can be used to navigate the document (just click the page number or project name!). Some of the images throughout are also animated.

Digital Portfolio:

Printed Portfolio:

Click Here to view the print optimised version!.

Design Choices:

The projects included in this portoflio reflect a range of different skills, including UI design, illustration, animation and branding. I wanted my portfolio to be full of colour, to convey a positive tone and make it fun to flick through. I therefore ensured that images took up the majority of the space. I decided not to include much text as I wanted the primary focus to be the designs themselves. Instead of going into lots of detail through typography, I decided to instead write a brief description of each project and then label the images with what they are. QR codes embedded in the portfolio mean that if people want to read more about my projects, they can easily navigate to my website to do so. I introduced each project section with a hero image on one page and some sketches on the other. I purposely decided to reduce the opacity of the sketches as I didnt want them to divert attention from the hero image, however they are still legible for those who want to look at them. Each page follows a basic layout which can be seen in the below sketch: